Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about the U of I System brand and brand guidelines:
What do you mean by a logo “lockup?” What’s the logo vs. the wordmark?
A brand’s logo can be:
a) a symbol or icon alone
b) words in a particular typeface or font alone
c) a lockup of the two combined
Think of Nike. Sometimes you see the “swoosh” alone, sometimes it is paired with the NIKE wordmark. Any of these could be referred to as the Nike “logo.”
A logo lockup is a standard way that a logo or other artwork appears with a wordmark for a brand. So, in our case, the three university logos are “locked up” with our U of I System wordmark, with a vertical line in between. The elements are “locked up” in a particular order, size, and style and cannot be rearranged.
Another type of lockup is a “unit lockup” where text of a unit name is “locked up” with the System wordmark.
Can my office/unit have its own logo?
Units may not have individual logos, as that would dilute the overall brand of the U of I System. Our office can develop a unit lockup for your office use. Samples:

When should I use the version of the logo with the trademarked tagline?
The logo with the Altogether Extraordinary™ tagline should be used primarily on publications and merchandise that is being used for marketing and advertising purposes. In most cases for regular business functions, and more formal written documents, the tagline should not be used.
What file format should I use?
What format (.eps, .jpg, .png, etc.) you need depends on the usage. For most vendors producing printed materials such as brochures, posters, promotional items and others, a vector file is needed—a “raw,” high resolution file such as an .eps. For websites and social media, a lower resolution file is preferable (.png or .jpg). PNG files have transparent backgrounds vs. .jpgs which do not.
Each university maintains their own unique brand standards and assets:
UIUC Office of Strategic Marketing & Branding
UIC Marketing & Brand Management
UIS Marketing & Brand
Who should I contact if I have other questions?
Call the Office for External Relations and Communications at 217-333-6400 or contact Steven Martin or Gretchen Yordy.