Federal Relations
Federal relations staff work closely with the United States Congress, the Administration, and federal agencies to promote the education, research, health, and economic development missions of the University of Illinois System.
The U of I System's federal relations team has professional staff members who work to advance U of I System's interests in the nation's capital. Federal Relations staff have a broad portfolio of responsibilities, including:
- Supporting the federal priorities of our three distinct universities;
- Working with our Illinois Congressional delegation and higher education and research associations to promote U of I System priorities;
- Arranging and preparing U of I System staff and faculty for Congressional meetings;
- Coordinating profile-raising activities with Congress and the Administration, including Congressional briefings and testimony opportunities; and
- Providing regular updates on federal issues that affect the U of I System
Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC
The federal relations team works with Lewis-Burke Associates, a government relations firm that advocates for the public policy interests of higher education and scientific research institutions.
University of Illinois faculty or staff who would benefit from working with the Lewis-Burke firm should contact Assistant Vice President Paul Weinberger at paulw3@uillinois.edu to discuss possible collaborations.

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Lobbying Disclosure
In compliance with the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), the University of Illinois System must provide a full and timely disclosure of its lobbying activities. The LDA requires the system to register and file quarterly reports on federal lobbying activities with the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Secretary of the U.S. Senate (2 USC Sections 1603-1604). In these quarterly reports, the system is required to provide detailed information regarding the specific issues on which it lobbied and a good-faith estimate of the total expenses incurred in connection with its lobbying activities.
To ensure compliance with the LDA, it is essential that every employee who engages in lobbying on behalf of the system, as defined by the Act, complete a lobbying disclosure form each time contact is made with certain senior federal officials or staff, as defined in the LDA. This form should be submitted to the system’s External Relations and Communications office promptly following such activity. If you have not had any such interaction with federal officials or staff, you do not need to complete the lobbying disclosure form. Please note that federal funds or grant money may not be used for lobbying activities.
Lobbying Disclosure Form Dates:
- Quarter 1: January 1 through March 31, due April 20
- Quarter 2: April 1 through June 30, due July 20
- Quarter 3: July 1 through September 30, due October 20
- Quarter 4: October 1 through December 31, due January 20
Have questions? See our lobbying FAQs.