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Accessible content is not just “nice to have,” it is a baseline requirement for everything we create. We adhere to WCAG AA standards for all of our online communications.

To make choosing accessible colors easy, we have created this chart showing the accessible and non-accessible combinations of our primary and secondary color palette as applied to large text (24px and larger, 19px bold and larger), small text (23.9px and smaller, 18.9px bold and smaller) and graphic elements.  (Source credit for text.)

Colors below are represented with HEX numbers. For corresponding Pantone, CMYK, and RGB values, see the main Color Palettes page. 


  13294B 0455A4 1F4096 E8E9EA A5A8AA 5E6669


Color pairing can be used any time
Color pairing can only be used on large text and graphic elements
Color pairing is not accessible