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Photo Resources

All three universities in the U of I System offer high-quality images for use in brochures, reports, and other printed materials as well as in presentations and on unit websites. Taking advantage of these free or low-cost resources is not only a cost-effective solution to photo needs, it is an opportunity to support campus branding through a consistent and quality visual identity.

The Urbana photo site and one of the Chicago sites require a log-in. Allow time for processing of your login request.

System offices may use these resources as well. If you need a few images for a project, contact Steven Martin.

Photo/Video policies and release forms

If you are planning to use an individual’s image or likeness in media such as photographs, video, etc., you should request written permission to do so. Releases also should be completed and signed by any talent working with companies or individuals performing photography, video or audiotape on university premises. Read policies and download forms.

System Offices

Photos of U of I System leaders are available on the Executive staff photos page.

University photo resources

Each university manages photo resources for their own campus. Contact those offices directly to gain access or to request a photo.


Image Database from Public Affairs


UIC Creative and Digital Services

UIC Marketing & Brand Management

UI Health photo gallery


UIS photoshelter

Campus archives

University Archives on the Urbana-Champaign campus

UIC University Library Archives

UIS archives and special collections