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Reaching Audiences

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Numerous options are available for distributing information to a wide audience. Most information sent by university units is specific to that individual university and distributed to the university's community using an automated mail system. System offices occasionally need to distribute only to other system units.

The massmail system is appropriate only for official communications. Promotions for classes, seminar series, or other services are not appropriate for this vehicle.  Other avenues — electronic calendars, newspaper advertising or by-subscription email lists — exist for dissemination of this type of information.

Below, by location, is a list of different vehicles that may be used to send information to faculty, staff, and/or students.

System Offices

Presidential massmail

Massmails from the president are official communications directed to the entire University of Illinois System community for communication of official system business such as changes in policy, notices about the availability of new services or resources, or topical updates deemed to be appropriate for a large audience.

Similar information (e.g., policy change) can be sent from other system offices and approved by the Office of the President.

Massmail from home campus

Each system offices staff member is assigned to a home campus based on his or her primary work location. That home campus designation determines the university information the staff member receives.

Information directed to System Offices employees

To send email to system office employees or a subset of system employees, please contact our office for assistance. 



Massmail can be sent to undergraduate students, graduate and professional students, faculty, academic professional staff, or civil service staff (or any combination) using the massmail tool offered by Web Services, a unit of Public Affairs. 

Other options

EWEEK is an announcement email newsletter sent out to faculty and staff at the Urbana-Champaign university who subscribe to this weekly service from Public Affairs. It is ideal for short announcements that target faculty and staff.

The DDDH listserv distributes only to individuals with dean, director, or department head in their position titles. The list is used to announce changes in administrative responsibility or changes to critical procedures. Announcements are reviewed and approved by staff in the provost's office. Log in to submit a request

The Public Affairs website lists additional options for communicating with the Urbana-Champaign university community.


UIC Today

UIC Today is an internal communications platform that provides real-time clear, concise, and consistent communications to the UIC campus community on a daily basis. The site provides a forum for campus announcements, enabling UIC to reduce the massive volume of emails. Announcements or official messages to be shared on UIC today can be submitted online.

Other options

Contact UIC Public Affairs.



All UIS employees and all students are included on an email distribution list that is used for official university communications and announcements. The Public Relations Office coordinates distribution of official announcements and archives each year's announcements online. Submit requests to the Director of Public Relations. 

Alumni and friends

University of Illinois Foundation

The University of Illinois Foundation works with units across the three universities to plan and schedule mass communications to alumni and friends. To inquire about the process, please contact Guidance and support specific to each university is also available from annual giving directors in Urbana, Chicago and Springfield.

Illinois Connection, the advocacy network for the University of Illinois System

Illinois Connection is a grassroots advocacy network for the University of Illinois System.  Through this initiative alumni, students, faculty and friends serve as advocates for the system to ensure support from the state and federal government.

Check the Illinois Connection website for more information on how to become a member and how to participate in outreach on behalf of the U of I System.