Viewing responsive documents
After being notified of availability, you may view responsive documents in the Office for External Relations and Communications in Chicago or in Urbana.
Page charges
Under 6(b), the University of Illinois may charge fees reasonably calculated to reimburse its actual cost of reproduction.
The first 50 pages of a FOIA response are free, and any additional pages are 15 cents a page. For color copies or unusually sized copies, the U of I charges the actual cost of copying.
For documents provided on CD, the U of I charges for the cost of the media used. Documents may also be delivered by email at no charge.
Commercial requestors are charged 15 cents per page (after the first 50 pages). Requestors with no stated commercial affiliation are also charged 15 cents per page (after the first 50 pages).
Waived fees for media
Fees are waived for requests filed by members of the media.
Questions about charges
Contact the FOIA office at 217-333-6400 with any questions you have about charges.