If you think you have experienced or discovered an incident or disclosure of protected health information (PHI), immediately report it to your supervisor AND one of the following individuals:
• your HIPAA Liaison: https://www.uillinois.edu/hipaa/hipaa_liaisons/
• the U of I HIPAA Privacy Official at (844) 341-2201 or hipaa@uillinois.edu or
• the Ethics Line at (866) 758-2146 or ethicsofficer@uillinois.edu
The HIPAA Liaison and the U of I HIPAA Privacy Official will work together to determine if a potential or actual breach has also occurred.
Employees, volunteers, students, or contractors of the University may not threaten or take any retaliatory action against an individual for exercising his or her rights under HIPAA or for filing a HIPAA report or complaint, including reporting a privacy or security breach.
Zoom is now available for use with PHI
To understand how to use Zoom for meetings that include PHI, please read the instructions under Resources -> Using Zoom for Meetings with PHI.
Learn more
HIPAA at the University of Illinois
The University of Illinois is committed to protecting the privacy and security of health information, as mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (“HITECH”). HIPAA and HITECH establish national standards for protecting the privacy and security of health information and define specific rights for individuals with respect to their health information.
HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance Program
UofI’s HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance Program frequently updates the governing HIPAA Privacy and Security Directive, FAQs and guidelines to address our University of Illinois community’s needs. Please check back often for updates!